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Organic Natural Raw African Black Bar Soap
from $6.99
African Black Soap is also known as Anago soap, Alata Samina and ose dudu, and is produced from secret recipes in West African nations by various tribeswomen. Considered Africa's best-kept beauty secret for centuries, the benefits of African Black Soap are now widely known, prompting women (and men) across the planet to include it in their daily cleansing and beauty rituals.

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*Exclusive Natural Testosterone
Natural Testosterone Booster
90 Count Capsules 30 Day Supply
This natural testosterone booster has a serving size of 3 capsules before bedtime
General Info:
This formula contains natural vitamins, minerals and herbs to make an extremely effective testosterone booster. These vitamins and herb helps to support the body’s natural production of testosterone and boosts it to maximum levels.
Testosterone is what fuels the energy, drive, and muscle building in the body. Our natural testosterone enhancer contains ingredients proven to boost free testosterone so that you experience results that you can feel. It helps maintain a healthy heart, enhances mood and gives you a more quality and pleasurable daily life
Formula Blend Ingredients:
Tongkat Ali (Longjack), Tribulus Terrestris, Magnesium, Chrysin, Horny Goat Weed Extract, Saw Palmetto Berries, Hawthorn Berries and Cissus Quadrangularis
Natural Veggie Capsules
Natural Ingredients
GMP Certified Facility in USA
This Formula is proudly encapsulated and bottled in Utah in an FDA-approved facility that follows strict GMP guidelines. Our products are Third Party Tested to ensure the highest quality possible and the purity of each batch

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Fenugreek Capsules (Full Hair)
from $15.99
Fenugreek is an herb long used in alternative medicine. It’s a common ingredient in Indian dishes and often taken as a supplement.
This herb may have numerous health benefits.
Based on the available evidence, fenugreek has benefits for lowering blood sugar levels, boosting testosterone, and increasing milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Fenugreek may also reduce cholesterol levels, lower inflammation, and help with appetite control, but more research is needed in these areas.
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant that stands around 2–3 feet (60–90 cm) tall. It has green leaves, small white flowers, and pods that contain small, golden-brown seeds (1Trusted Source).
For thousands of years, fenugreek has been used in alternative and Chinese medicine to treat skin conditions and many other diseases (1Trusted Source).
The recommended dosage is 2 to 3 capsules per day

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Irish Moss Capsules
from $24.99
100% Pure Powder, No Fillers
Irish moss is a type of red seaweed, a source of natural carrageenan, that helps promote overall well-being.
The recommended dosage is two capsules per day.

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Longjack Tongkat Ali Extract Powder
100 Grams Tongkat Ali 200:1 Root Extract Powder
Origin : Indonesia, Parts Used: Root
This is the dark Tongkat Ali 200:1 Root Extract, its water based Extraction
What is Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali is a tree native to Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. The part of the tree used medicinally is the root.
Why Do People Use Tongkat Ali
It has been used in Malaysia for many years by men to increase sexual desire, libido, sexual performance and to treat erectile dysfunction.
Tongkat ali appears to work by increasing levels of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. Normal testosterone levels maintain energy level, mood, fertility, and sexual desire. Because of its testosterone-enhancing properties, tongkat ali is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength.
Critical organs in ejaculations, as well as erection firmness, are the levator ani muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles can be trained through Kegel exercises (an essential part of commercial penis enlargement programs), which, however, are very time-consuming for limited results. On the other hand, it has been shown in a scientific study that tongkat ali can cause a substantial increase in the size of these muscles in particular (an off-shot of the increased activity of testicular Leydig cells).
Product Information
Tongkat Ali : A natural extract for the best sex of your life at any age.
200:1 means; It takes 200 ounces of Regular Root Powder to make 1 ounce of this Extract
Very Potent, 100% Fresh, 100% Pure, 100% Pharmacetuical Grade, 100% Satisifaction Guarantee
Sexual Enhancer
Tongkat Ali has testosterone enhancing properties and raise testosterone by stimulating the Leydig cells. Testosterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, and prostate. The testicles and surrounding tissue will grow in size. The mass gain also influences sexual function, especially erections and ejaculations.
Due to its testosterone-enhancing properties, Tongkat Ali is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength.
Male fertility
Tongkat Ali can help enhance male fertility with regard to higher semen volumes and sperm concentration. It is effective for increasing libido, and enhancing sexual performance.
Increase Energy level
Tongkat Ali can also increase energy levels, helping fight fatigue. It may help increase HGH (human growth hormone). HGH lowers as we age; a person at sixty has about twenty percent of the HGH of a twenty year old.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*
With Tongkat Ali You will experience:
Strong and prolonged erections
Increases sexuality
Improved orgasm
Increases penis size
Support healthy blood circulation
Decrease body fat
Slow the aging process
Scientific Name(s): Eurycoma longifolia Jack. Family: Simaroubaceae
Common Name(s): Tongkat Ali (Malaysia), Pasak bumi (Indonesia), Cay Ba Binh (tree that cures hundred of diseases), Malaysian ginseng
How does it work?
The root of Eurycoma longifolia contains several chemicals that have different effects in the body. Some of the chemicals seem to affect how the body produces the hormone testosterone. Research in animals and humans suggests it might increase testosterone in the body.
The root and bark of Eurycoma longifolia are used for treating erectile dysfunction (ED), increasing interest in sex, boosting athletic performance, body building, and reducing body fat. Eurycoma longifolia is also used for fever, malaria, ulcers, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, bone pain, cough, diarrhea,headache, syphilis, and cancer.

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Lysine Supplement (HPV)
from $13.99
Lysine Powder Capsules L-Lysine Free Form Amino Acid
99.8% pure powder, no fillers
L-lysine is an essential amino acid that is necessary for human health, but that the body cannot manufacture; Lysine must be absorbed from food. Amino acids like lysine are the building blocks of protein. Lysine is important for proper growth, and it plays an essential role in the production of carnitine, a nutrient responsible for converting fatty acids into energy and helping to lower cholesterol. Lysine appears to help the body absorb calcium, and it plays an important role in the formation of collagen, a substance important for bones and connective tissues including skin, tendon, and cartilage.
The recommended dosage of the Lysine supplement is 2 capsules per day.

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Organic Elderberry Powder (Strongest Online)
from $17.99
People have used elderberry for hundreds of years.
The berries and flowers of elderberryare packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They can help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.

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Whole Leaf Irish Moss Sea Moss 1 lb | Raw Superfood (SeaMoss)
Raw Irish Moss
It feeds the cells giving you 92 of 102 vitamins and minerals the body naturally contains. is added to Pudding, Cream Pie, Meringue, Whipped Cream, Salad Dressing, Smoothies, Sauces, anything you could want a stable-liquid form for! While gelatin is an animal-derived protein, Irish Moss contains a polysaccharide (a natural form of sugar) which, when thoroughly blended, also disperses throughout a liquid to create a semi-solid structure. In fact, the carrageen found in Irish Moss is used by the mainstream food industry to make jellies, ice creams, dressings and other foods! In addition to its functional benefits, Raw Irish Moss is an excellent source of minerals . This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C. Notably absent from a vegetarian diet, sulphur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, are abundant in Irish moss, more so than in any other type of seaweed!The picture you see is of both Fresh and Raw Irish Moss. What you will be receiving is Raw Irish Moss which is naturally to an off-white color and, when soaked, will become translucent.
Irish Moss Has been enjoyed the world over for many years. This Natural sea weed has been touted as a super-food
Irish Moss is a seaweed that can be found along coastal lines and coastal rocks around the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Irish Moss has been known for its high nutritional content, as it derives from the ocean it is filled with lots of high quality nutrients. It is very healthy with lots of different nutrients; it has been said to contain 92 of the 102 elements composing the human body. It has been used as an aphrodisiac as well. In the Caribbeans, in countries such as Jamaica, it is often consumed as a beverage/drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It has also been used in various regions of the world in the making of beverages, deserts, beers, wines and various food & drink related culinary preparations.
* Wash the Irish Moss with water to remove all foreign matter such as sand and dirt. Wash it well and thoroughly for a few minutes in a colander. It is very important.
* Soak the Irish Moss in water overnight. 2 parts of water to 1 part of moss. You can put it in the fridge a few hours later. You can also do this early in the morning and it can be ready to use later in the evening. Some people let it soak for just for a few hours. It's your choice. Ideally, the longer it soaks the more the moss will soak up the water and become thicker and more plump to make the drink.
* Now, you can put it in the blender and blend it on high with the cover on for a couple of minutes. Do it in intervals of 30 seconds to avoid burning the motor of your blender and give it a light mix manually with the big spoon in between the intervals.
*Empty the mixture into a big glass jar, or jug, put the cover on (or saran wrap) and put it in the fridge to refrigerate for at least 4-6 hours. Once the time elapses, check up on it as it will have thickened you will want to give it a good stir, or throw it back into the blender for a few spins.
About the Product
Wildcrafted, Non-GMO, Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan
Irish Moss is a seaweed that comes fresh from the ocean and possesses many healing properties and an impressive nutritional content
Irish Moss contains 92 elements essential to the human body, and is packed with calcium, iodine, potassium, Vitamins A, D, E and K
A wonderful vegan substitute for gelatin in recipes
Sea Moss has a rich mix of vitamins and minerals, most notably potassium, calcium and magnesium.
A Super Food
Thicken Your Recipes
Vacuum sealed Packaging
For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
please be advised:
you should always consult with your doctor
before making any changes to your diet!!
vegan raw sea vegetable (gracilaria) a natural thickener and emulsifier
Dry Irish Moss can stay up to a year in a cool dry place, as the salt will preserve it.
If you have soaked more Irish Moss than needed you may keep it in the fridge and change the water every few days and it will keep fresh up to 3 weeks. You may also blend the Moss with a little water until you get a thick creamy consistency; store it in a closed glass jar in the fridge for up to 3 weeks (it's nice to have some Irish Moss paste ready in you fridge for spontaneous recipes).
Take one Irish moss leaf at ago

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Super Female Enhancement Formula
Exclusive All Natural Female Enhancement
This Listing is for 60 Count Capsules 30 Day Supply
Free USPS Shipping with Tracking
General Info:
Our Female Enhancement is a holistic and all-natural formula that blends the highest quality herbs, vitamins, nutrients, amino acids and aphrodisiacs that works together to enhance the overall health of women. A poor performance is a hindrance for couples, that's why we designed our supplement to help bring back the spark into a relationship, without any negative side effects to worry about, as it contains vitamins and all natural boosting herbs and ingredients. Our proprietary blend is a unique combination of ancient herbs that have been used by women throughout time to increase drive, boost energy levels and focus. Get everything you need to be done day in and day out, and still have strength and energy for your special someone
Formula Blend Ingredients:
Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed), Dong Quai (Angelica), Tribulus Terrestris, Catuaba, Gingko Biliba, Panax Ginseng, Damiana, Ashwagandha, Ginger, Mucuna Pruriens extract, Maca Root, Muira Puama, Sarsaparilla Root, Asparagus Extract
Natural Veggie Capsules
Natural Ingredients
Gluten Free
GMP Certified Facility in USA
This Formula is proudly encapsulated and bottled in Utah in an FDA-approved facility which follows strict GMP guidelines. Our products are Third Party Tested to ensure the highest quality possible and the purity of each batch.
The recommended dosage is capsules per serving

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Jamaican Black Castor Oil
from $12.99
Jamaican black castor oil has a ton of different benefits Jamaican Black Castor Oil works for all hair types. It will moisturize, thicken, strengthen and rapidly increase hair growth. It increases blood flow to the scalp, supplying valuable nutrients to hair follicles. Jamaican Black Castor Oil will also prevent hair breakage, dandruff, eczema and dry, itchy scalp.
This special oil may be a new discovery for some of us, but in fact, it’s been used traditionally in Jamaica for many years. Unlike plain castor oil, JBCO involves a roasting process, which gives it its characteristic dark color and burnt smell.

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Weight Loss Formula
Weight Formula - Green Coffee - Raspberry Ketone - Garcinia - Green Tea - Caffeine Anhydrous
All Natural Formula
60 Count Capsules 30 Day Supply
Formula Blend Ingredients:
Green Coffee Beans, Raspberry Keytone, Garcinia Cambogia, Caffeine Anhydrous, Green Tea
Natural Veggie Capsules
Natural Ingredients
Gluten Free
GMP Certified Facility in USA
The recommended dosage of this weight formula is 2 capsules per day one capsule in the morning and one in the evening 20 to 30 minutes before meals

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Garcinia Cambogia 60% HCA Extract
from $19.99
Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract Powder
Vegetable Capsules 500mg Each
60% Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA)
About Garcinia Extract (Hydroxy Citric Acid)
Garcinia cambogia extract is the calcium salt of hydroxy citric acid (HCA), which is obtained from water extract of Garcinia cambogia fruit . It is non-toxic, tasteless, odorless powder and found to be very effective herbal alternate for controlling obesity and cholesterol by inhibiting lipogenesis in our body.
Garcinia Cambogia is a relative new-comer to the ranks of Western herbalism, but has been used for thousands of years in the Orient as a food supplement. It is used as an appetite suppressant and to inhibit the absorption and synthesis of fat, cholesterol and triglycerides. In other words, it is a dietary aid.
The most common health benefits of garcinia cambogia extract are as follows:
Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Pressure:Researchers have found that garcinia cambogia naturally lowers cholesterol levels by reducing blood lipid levels. Likewise, it also has been shown to increase your body’s production of HDL cholesterol, which is the “good cholesterol.”
Suppresses Appetite: Obviously the biggest reason for weight gain is due to diet. Garcinia Cambogia helps to increase serotonin levels in the body, which are responsible for appetite and also control our mood. This can help reduce caloric intake significantly.
Blocks fat storage: One of the biggest advantages of Garcinia Cambogia over other weight loss supplements is its’ ability to block new fat cells from being formed. Excess calories from carbohydrates are normally converted into fat cells, but garcinia cambogia blocks this from happening. Therefore, the carbs are immediately burned off and no weight is gained.
Improves metabolism: Our metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that are affected by numerous factors. Garcinia Gambogia helps to stabilize these chemical reactions, which in turn will increase the rate at which you burn fat. Obviously, this is beneficial to your health and waist line and you can significantly reduce your weight within a short period of time.
The recommended dosage is 2 t
Improves immune system health: Garcinia Cambogia has been shown to help improve your body’s ability to fight disease and sickness. Likewise, researchers noticed a significant reduction in the symptoms of those suffering from the flu, mono, or common cold after taking garcinia cambogia for only a few days.
The recommended dosage is two capsules twice a day 20 to 40 minutes before meals.

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(Sale) Yohimbe Bark Extract 4:1 Capsule (500mg each)
from $12.95
4:1 Extract Means 4 lb of Raw Material was used to make 1 lb of this Extract
Vegetable Capsules
(4 Times Stronger Than Regular Yohimbe Powder)
Also known as:
Corvanthe Yohimbe, Pausinystalia Yohimbe.
Yohimbe is a small evergreen tree native to central Africa, primarily in the nations of Cameroon, Gabon, and Zaire. The terms yohimbine, yohimbine hydrochloride, and yohimbe bark extract are related but different. Yohimbe refers to the herb. Yohimbine refers to the active chemical found not only in yohimbe but also in Indian snakewood, periwinkle, quebracho, and niando. The recommended dosage of the yohimbe bark extract is one capsule per serving.

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Whole Leaf Irish Moss Sea Moss 8 Oz | Raw Superfood (SeaMoss)
Raw Irish Moss
It feeds the cells giving you 92 of 102 vitamins and minerals the body naturally contains. is added to Pudding, Cream Pie, Meringue, Whipped Cream, Salad Dressing, Smoothies, Sauces, anything you could want a stable-liquid form for! While gelatin is an animal-derived protein, Irish Moss contains a polysaccharide (a natural form of sugar) which, when thoroughly blended, also disperses throughout a liquid to create a semi-solid structure. In fact, the carrageen found in Irish Moss is used by the mainstream food industry to make jellies, ice creams, dressings and other foods!
Take one whole leaf per intake. In addition to its functional benefits, Raw Irish Moss is an excellent source of minerals . This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C. Notably absent from a vegetarian diet, sulphur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, are abundant in Irish moss, more so than in any other type of seaweed!
The picture you see is of both Fresh and Raw Irish Moss. What you will be receiving is Raw Irish Moss which is naturally to an off-white color and, when soaked, will become translucent.
Irish Moss Has been enjoyed the world over for many years. This Natural sea weed has been touted as a super-food
Irish Moss is a seaweed that can be found along coastal lines and coastal rocks around the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Irish Moss has been known for its high nutritional content, as it derives from the ocean it is filled with lots of high quality nutrients. It is very healthy with lots of different nutrients; it has been said to contain 92 of the 102 elements composing the human body. It has been used as an aphrodisiac as well. In the Caribbeans, in countries such as Jamaica, it is often consumed as a beverage/drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It has also been used in various regions of the world in the making of beverages, deserts, beers, wines and various food & drink related culinary preparations.
* Wash the Irish Moss with water to remove all foreign matter such as sand and dirt. Wash it well and thoroughly for a few minutes in a colander. It is very important.
* Soak the Irish Moss in water overnight. 2 parts of water to 1 part of moss. You can put it in the fridge a few hours later. You can also do this early in the morning and it can be ready to use later in the evening. Some people let it soak for just for a few hours. It's your choice. Ideally, the longer it soaks the more the moss will soak up the water and become thicker and more plump to make the drink.
* Now, you can put it in the blender and blend it on high with the cover on for a couple of minutes. Do it in intervals of 30 seconds to avoid burning the motor of your blender and give it a light mix manually with the big spoon in between the intervals.
*Empty the mixture into a big glass jar, or jug, put the cover on (or saran wrap) and put it in the fridge to refrigerate for at least 4-6 hours. Once the time elapses, check up on it as it will have thickened you will want to give it a good stir, or throw it back into the blender for a few spins.
About the Product
Wildcrafted, Non-GMO, Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan
Irish Moss is a seaweed that comes fresh from the ocean and possesses many healing properties and an impressive nutritional content
Irish Moss contains 92 elements essential to the human body, and is packed with calcium, iodine, potassium, Vitamins A, D, E and K
A wonderful vegan substitute for gelatin in recipes
Sea Moss has a rich mix of vitamins and minerals, most notably potassium, calcium and magnesium.
A Super Food
Thicken Your Recipes
Vacuum sealed Packaging
For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
please be advised:
you should always consult with your doctor
before making any changes to your diet!!
vegan raw sea vegetable (gracilaria) a natural thickener and emulsifier
Dry Irish Moss can stay up to a year in a cool dry place, as the salt will preserve it.
If you have soaked more Irish Moss than needed you may keep it in the fridge and change the water every few days and it will keep fresh up to 3 weeks. You may also blend the Moss with a little water until you get a thick creamy consistency; store it in a closed glass jar in the fridge for up to 3 weeks (it's nice to have some Irish Moss paste ready in you fridge for spontaneous recipes).

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Tribulus Terrestris Capsules
from $19.99
Tribulus Terrestris L Fruit Powder
Vegetable Capsules 500mg Each 45% Saponins
Tribulus Terrestris a flowering plant in the family Zygophyllaceae.It is a native of warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World in southern Europe, southern Asia, throughout Africa, and in northern Australia. It can thrive even in desert climates and poor soil. It is a tap rooted herbaceous perennial plant that grows as a summer annual in colder climates.
Like many weedy species, this plant has many common names, including puncturevine, caltrop, cat's head, yellow vine, goathead, devil's thorn, devil's weed, devil's eyelashes, burra gokharu and bindii
Tribulus Terrestris is a herb that has been used in the traditional medicine of China and India for centuries.
Tribulus Terrestris Extract used in dietary supplements is derived from the fruits of Tribulus Terrestris L.
Benefits of Tribulus Terrestris
Improve infertility, erectile dysfunction, and low libido
Improve energy level (Improve vitality)
Increase levels of the men’s hormones testosterone (by increasing luteinizing hormone) and DHEA
Increase women’s estrogen.
Tonic the body
Treat Urinary disorders and impotence
Treat Kidney disease and gravel
Treat heart disease
Benefit Women health (strength the postpartum woman)
Positive effect on bone marrow activity (for red blood cell production)
Improve the immune system.
The active compounds in tribulus are called steroidal saponins. Two types, called furostanol glycosides and spirostanol glycosides, appear to be involved with the effects of tribulus. Those saponins include protodioscin, disogenin, gitogenin, chlorogenin, ruscogenin, 25-D-spirosta-3, 5-diene, chlorogentih, hecogenin, neotigogenin, and etc.The primarily active chemical in T. terrestris is likely to be protodioscin (PTN), a cousin to DHEA. All them together make Tribulus terrestris extract is a closest, strongest and all-natural herb alternative to synthetic anabolic hormones.
The recommended serving size of the Tribulus Terrestiris L Fruit Powder is two capsules.