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Mullein Leaf Capsule (Lung Detox Mucus)
from $19.99
Mullein, also called Great Mullein, is a tall-growing biennial in the figwort family that is distributed throughout Europe, Australia, Asia, North Africa and the Americas.
Other names : Velvet Dock , Velvet Plant , Candlestick
Botanical name : Verbascum Thapsus
The dried leaf is used to make tea and, in combination with other herbs and spices, is also used to make incense.
Mullein has a mild and pleasant tasting. Combine with other herbs to enhance the flavor of tea blends or herbal smoking blends.
While the flowers are typically infused in oil or used to produce a natural dye, the collective aerial parts of the plant are tinctured, infused or prepared as tea.

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(Sale) Black Seed Oil -(Nigella Sativa ) Heart & Mucus
from $16.99
Benefits for health conditions
Black seed oil may also be beneficial for an array of health conditions. People have used black seed oil for its therapeutic benefits for thousands of years. Some studies suggest that this oil may offer many health and cosmetic benefits, such as aiding weight loss, improving skin conditions, and even treating cancer and diabetes. You can also use this black seed oil as a painkiller, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-fungal, antioxidant and antiviral product. Before using this product consult your medical practitioner.
100% Pure Virgin Cold Pressed, Organic!

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Organic Elderberry Powder (Strongest Online)
from $17.99
People have used elderberry for hundreds of years.
The berries and flowers of elderberryare packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They can help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.

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Whole Leaf Irish Moss Sea Moss 1 lb | Raw Superfood (SeaMoss)
Raw Irish Moss
It feeds the cells giving you 92 of 102 vitamins and minerals the body naturally contains. is added to Pudding, Cream Pie, Meringue, Whipped Cream, Salad Dressing, Smoothies, Sauces, anything you could want a stable-liquid form for! While gelatin is an animal-derived protein, Irish Moss contains a polysaccharide (a natural form of sugar) which, when thoroughly blended, also disperses throughout a liquid to create a semi-solid structure. In fact, the carrageen found in Irish Moss is used by the mainstream food industry to make jellies, ice creams, dressings and other foods! In addition to its functional benefits, Raw Irish Moss is an excellent source of minerals . This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C. Notably absent from a vegetarian diet, sulphur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, are abundant in Irish moss, more so than in any other type of seaweed!The picture you see is of both Fresh and Raw Irish Moss. What you will be receiving is Raw Irish Moss which is naturally to an off-white color and, when soaked, will become translucent.
Irish Moss Has been enjoyed the world over for many years. This Natural sea weed has been touted as a super-food
Irish Moss is a seaweed that can be found along coastal lines and coastal rocks around the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Irish Moss has been known for its high nutritional content, as it derives from the ocean it is filled with lots of high quality nutrients. It is very healthy with lots of different nutrients; it has been said to contain 92 of the 102 elements composing the human body. It has been used as an aphrodisiac as well. In the Caribbeans, in countries such as Jamaica, it is often consumed as a beverage/drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It has also been used in various regions of the world in the making of beverages, deserts, beers, wines and various food & drink related culinary preparations.
* Wash the Irish Moss with water to remove all foreign matter such as sand and dirt. Wash it well and thoroughly for a few minutes in a colander. It is very important.
* Soak the Irish Moss in water overnight. 2 parts of water to 1 part of moss. You can put it in the fridge a few hours later. You can also do this early in the morning and it can be ready to use later in the evening. Some people let it soak for just for a few hours. It's your choice. Ideally, the longer it soaks the more the moss will soak up the water and become thicker and more plump to make the drink.
* Now, you can put it in the blender and blend it on high with the cover on for a couple of minutes. Do it in intervals of 30 seconds to avoid burning the motor of your blender and give it a light mix manually with the big spoon in between the intervals.
*Empty the mixture into a big glass jar, or jug, put the cover on (or saran wrap) and put it in the fridge to refrigerate for at least 4-6 hours. Once the time elapses, check up on it as it will have thickened you will want to give it a good stir, or throw it back into the blender for a few spins.
About the Product
Wildcrafted, Non-GMO, Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan
Irish Moss is a seaweed that comes fresh from the ocean and possesses many healing properties and an impressive nutritional content
Irish Moss contains 92 elements essential to the human body, and is packed with calcium, iodine, potassium, Vitamins A, D, E and K
A wonderful vegan substitute for gelatin in recipes
Sea Moss has a rich mix of vitamins and minerals, most notably potassium, calcium and magnesium.
A Super Food
Thicken Your Recipes
Vacuum sealed Packaging
For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
please be advised:
you should always consult with your doctor
before making any changes to your diet!!
vegan raw sea vegetable (gracilaria) a natural thickener and emulsifier
Dry Irish Moss can stay up to a year in a cool dry place, as the salt will preserve it.
If you have soaked more Irish Moss than needed you may keep it in the fridge and change the water every few days and it will keep fresh up to 3 weeks. You may also blend the Moss with a little water until you get a thick creamy consistency; store it in a closed glass jar in the fridge for up to 3 weeks (it's nice to have some Irish Moss paste ready in you fridge for spontaneous recipes).
Take one Irish moss leaf at ago

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Whole Leaf Irish Moss Sea Moss 8 Oz | Raw Superfood (SeaMoss)
Raw Irish Moss
It feeds the cells giving you 92 of 102 vitamins and minerals the body naturally contains. is added to Pudding, Cream Pie, Meringue, Whipped Cream, Salad Dressing, Smoothies, Sauces, anything you could want a stable-liquid form for! While gelatin is an animal-derived protein, Irish Moss contains a polysaccharide (a natural form of sugar) which, when thoroughly blended, also disperses throughout a liquid to create a semi-solid structure. In fact, the carrageen found in Irish Moss is used by the mainstream food industry to make jellies, ice creams, dressings and other foods!
Take one whole leaf per intake. In addition to its functional benefits, Raw Irish Moss is an excellent source of minerals . This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C. Notably absent from a vegetarian diet, sulphur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, are abundant in Irish moss, more so than in any other type of seaweed!
The picture you see is of both Fresh and Raw Irish Moss. What you will be receiving is Raw Irish Moss which is naturally to an off-white color and, when soaked, will become translucent.
Irish Moss Has been enjoyed the world over for many years. This Natural sea weed has been touted as a super-food
Irish Moss is a seaweed that can be found along coastal lines and coastal rocks around the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Irish Moss has been known for its high nutritional content, as it derives from the ocean it is filled with lots of high quality nutrients. It is very healthy with lots of different nutrients; it has been said to contain 92 of the 102 elements composing the human body. It has been used as an aphrodisiac as well. In the Caribbeans, in countries such as Jamaica, it is often consumed as a beverage/drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It has also been used in various regions of the world in the making of beverages, deserts, beers, wines and various food & drink related culinary preparations.
* Wash the Irish Moss with water to remove all foreign matter such as sand and dirt. Wash it well and thoroughly for a few minutes in a colander. It is very important.
* Soak the Irish Moss in water overnight. 2 parts of water to 1 part of moss. You can put it in the fridge a few hours later. You can also do this early in the morning and it can be ready to use later in the evening. Some people let it soak for just for a few hours. It's your choice. Ideally, the longer it soaks the more the moss will soak up the water and become thicker and more plump to make the drink.
* Now, you can put it in the blender and blend it on high with the cover on for a couple of minutes. Do it in intervals of 30 seconds to avoid burning the motor of your blender and give it a light mix manually with the big spoon in between the intervals.
*Empty the mixture into a big glass jar, or jug, put the cover on (or saran wrap) and put it in the fridge to refrigerate for at least 4-6 hours. Once the time elapses, check up on it as it will have thickened you will want to give it a good stir, or throw it back into the blender for a few spins.
About the Product
Wildcrafted, Non-GMO, Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan
Irish Moss is a seaweed that comes fresh from the ocean and possesses many healing properties and an impressive nutritional content
Irish Moss contains 92 elements essential to the human body, and is packed with calcium, iodine, potassium, Vitamins A, D, E and K
A wonderful vegan substitute for gelatin in recipes
Sea Moss has a rich mix of vitamins and minerals, most notably potassium, calcium and magnesium.
A Super Food
Thicken Your Recipes
Vacuum sealed Packaging
For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
please be advised:
you should always consult with your doctor
before making any changes to your diet!!
vegan raw sea vegetable (gracilaria) a natural thickener and emulsifier
Dry Irish Moss can stay up to a year in a cool dry place, as the salt will preserve it.
If you have soaked more Irish Moss than needed you may keep it in the fridge and change the water every few days and it will keep fresh up to 3 weeks. You may also blend the Moss with a little water until you get a thick creamy consistency; store it in a closed glass jar in the fridge for up to 3 weeks (it's nice to have some Irish Moss paste ready in you fridge for spontaneous recipes).

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Sarsaparilla Root Capsules (Sebi Approved)
100% Certified Organic Sarsaparilla Root 60 Capsules
Sarsaparilla is used for treating psoriasis and other skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and kidney disease; for increasing urination to reduce fluid retention; and for increasing sweating. Sarsaparilla is also used along with conventional drugs for treating leprosy and for syphilis.
Vegan Capsules 60ct. (600 mg per capsule) 1200mg per serving
Ingredients: 100% Certified Organic Ground Sarsaparilla Root
Typical PreparationsRoot decoction as a tea, powdered in tablets or capsules, made into cold beverages, and seldom found as an extract.
PrecautionsExcessive use may cause intestinal discomfort. Not recommended for use while pregnant. Not recommended for long term use.

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Whole Leaf Irish SeaMoss 4 Oz | Raw Superfood (SeaMoss)
Sea Moss
It feeds the cells giving you 92 of 102 vitamins and minerals the body naturally contains. is added to Pudding, Cream Pie, Meringue, Whipped Cream, Salad Dressing, Smoothies, Sauces, anything you could want a stable-liquid form for! While gelatin is an animal-derived protein, Irish Moss contains a polysaccharide (a natural form of sugar) which, when thoroughly blended, also disperses throughout a liquid to create a semi-solid structure. In fact, the carrageen found in Irish Moss is used by the mainstream food industry to make jellies, ice creams, dressings and other foods! In addition to its functional benefits, Raw Irish Moss is an excellent source of minerals . This almost-tasteless seaweed is loaded with life-enhancing nutrients such as sulphur compounds, protein, iodine, bromine, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, pectin, B-vitamins and vitamin C. Notably absent from a vegetarian diet, sulphur-containing amino acids, such as taurine, are abundant in Irish moss, more so than in any other type of seaweed!
The picture you see is of both Fresh and Raw Irish Moss. What you will be receiving is Raw Irish Moss which is naturally to an off-white color and, when soaked, will become translucent.
Irish Moss Has been enjoyed the world over for many years. This Natural sea weed has been touted as a super-food
Irish Moss is a seaweed that can be found along coastal lines and coastal rocks around the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. Irish Moss has been known for its high nutritional content, as it derives from the ocean it is filled with lots of high quality nutrients. It is very healthy with lots of different nutrients; it has been said to contain 92 of the 102 elements composing the human body. It has been used as an aphrodisiac as well. In the Caribbeans, in countries such as Jamaica, it is often consumed as a beverage/drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). It has also been used in various regions of the world in the making of beverages, deserts, beers, wines and various food & drink related culinary preparations.
* Wash the Irish Moss with water to remove all foreign matter such as sand and dirt. Wash it well and thoroughly for a few minutes in a colander. It is very important.
* Soak the Irish Moss in water overnight. 2 parts of water to 1 part of moss. You can put it in the fridge a few hours later. You can also do this early in the morning and it can be ready to use later in the evening. Some people let it soak for just for a few hours. It's your choice. Ideally, the longer it soaks the more the moss will soak up the water and become thicker and more plump to make the drink.
* Now, you can put it in the blender and blend it on high with the cover on for a couple of minutes. Do it in intervals of 30 seconds to avoid burning the motor of your blender and give it a light mix manually with the big spoon in between the intervals.
*Empty the mixture into a big glass jar, or jug, put the cover on (or saran wrap) and put it in the fridge to refrigerate for at least 4-6 hours. Once the time elapses, check up on it as it will have thickened you will want to give it a good stir, or throw it back into the blender for a few spins.
About the Product
Wildcrafted, Non-GMO, Raw, Gluten-Free, Vegan
Irish Moss is a seaweed that comes fresh from the ocean and possesses many healing properties and an impressive nutritional content
Irish Moss contains 92 elements essential to the human body, and is packed with calcium, iodine, potassium, Vitamins A, D, E and K
A wonderful vegan substitute for gelatin in recipes
Sea Moss has a rich mix of vitamins and minerals, most notably potassium, calcium and magnesium.
A Super Food
Thicken Your Recipes
Vacuum sealed Packaging
For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
please be advised:
you should always consult with your doctor
before making any changes to your diet!!
vegan raw sea vegetable (gracilaria) a natural thickener and emulsifier
Dry Irish Moss can stay up to a year in a cool dry place, as the salt will preserve it.
If you have soaked more Irish Moss than needed you may keep it in the fridge and change the water every few days and it will keep fresh up to 3 weeks. You may also blend the Moss with a little water until you get a thick creamy consistency; store it in a closed glass jar in the fridge for up to 3 weeks (it's nice to have some Irish Moss paste ready in you fridge for spontaneous recipes).

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Elderberry Capsules (Limited Quantities)
from $16.99
Organic & Vegan
People have used elderberry for hundreds of years.
The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They can help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart, too. Some experts recommend elderberry to help prevent and ease cold and flu symptoms.
The recommended dosage of the organic Elderberry capsule is 2 capsules twice a day.

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Immune Support Capsules
Natural Immune Support
Elderberry, Turmeric and Echinacea
Our Emergency Immune Support supplement contains 10 different immune-boosting ingredients that are in high demand. Having a strong immune system is essential to being able to fight off disease and infection and stay healthy. With so many factors bombarding the body each day, sometimes the body needs support.
Supports a healthy immune system
Contains 10 immune-boosting ingredients
Packed with potent antioxidants
Promotes digestive health
Our private label Emergency Immune Support supplement contains 10 of the most popular immunity ingredients. These 10 immune support ingredients are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, zinc, L-glutamine HCL, elderberry extract, echinacea powder, garlic powder, turmeric curcuminoids, probiotics.
The suggested dosage of the immune support is 2 capsules.

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Mullein Extract (Lung Detox Mucus)
The strongest Mullein extract online 10:1 powerful formula.Mullein, also called Great Mullein, is a tall-growing biennial in the figwort family that is distributed throughout Europe, Australia, Asia, North Africa and the Americas. Other names : Velvet Dock , Velvet Plant , Candlestick. Botanical name : Verbascum Thapsus
The dried leaf is used to make tea and, in combination with other herbs and spices, is also used to make incense.
Mullein has a mild and pleasant tasting. Combine with other herbs to enhance the flavor of tea blends or herbal smoking blends.
While the flowers are typically infused in oil or used to produce a natural dye, the collective aerial parts of the plant are tinctured, infused or prepared as tea.

Camu Camu (Vitamin C) Exclusive Herb
Camu Camu 4:1 (Myrciaria dubia) Orgin from Brazil
A Potent Immune System and Mood-Balancing Botanical Fruit Powder
(4:1 Extract Means 4 lb of Raw Material was used to make 1 lb of this Powder, 4 times stronger than regular Camu Camu)
Camu-Camu (Myrciaria dubia) fruit contains powerful phytochemicals with health benefits, including the amino acids serine, valine, and leucine, and more natural Vitamin C than any other known botanical in the world, the effects on the human body are incomparable. Camu camu, with it's 20% VitaminC content, is just the beginning. In addition to providing 30 times more vitamin C than an orange, Camu Camu also has ten times more iron, three times more niacin, twice as much riboflavin and 50% more phosphorus. Among Camu Camu’s naturally occurring nutrients are many important minerals including calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.
Clinical evidence suggests that natural food sources of Vitamin C are far more effective, milligram for milligram, than synthetic Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Camu Camu contains bioflavanoids, phytochemicals and other co-factors which enhance vitamins C’s efficiency and utilization by the body.
Many people have stopped using large dosages of synthetic Vitamin C because they find that Camu-Camu is energizing, mood lifting and highly effective in strengthening the immune system.
Camu Camu contains a rich profile of natural cofactors that support proper serotonin levels in the brain.
Enhance your mood and enrich your life with Camu Camu
Camu Camu fruit presents important minerals, amino acids, and vitamins, including the B-complex vitamins, which support an optimal emotional state.
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
The camu-camu fruit has a surprising range of therapeutic effects.
Dr. James Duke found 19 plants containing chemical compounds with mood-balancing properties. Camu-Camu is ranked number two on his list.
In a comparative study where hundreds of botanicals were ranked, according to there effectiveness, for various health conditions Camu-Camu was ranked as follows:
Depression - No.2
Migraine-cluster headaches - No.1
Osteoarthritis - No.1
Painkiller - No.1
Asthma - No.1
Colds - No.1
Edema - No.1
Gingivitis-peridontal disease-No.1
Hepatitis - No.1
Parkinson's disease - No.1
Atherosclerosis - No.1
Infertility - No.1
Glaucoma - No.1
Antimutagenic - No. 4
Anti-viral -No.6
Anti-Oxidant - No.4
Cataracts - No.1
Camu Camu possible benefits:
Anti-Aging Cardiovascular Health Emotional Well-Being
Enhanced Moods Increased Emotional Stability Greater Sense of Confidence
Live Longer – Look Better
Nutrition for Health Skin, Hair and Nails
Essential for energetic body and sharp mind
Helps maintain a regular heart-beat and healthy nervous system
Research shows these minerals may relieve irritability and mood swings
Helps regulate acid-alkaline balance
Deficiencies may result in nervousness, anxiety, fatigue mood changes and difficulty concentrating Micro-nutrients may add years to your life.
Most people in the modern world are suffering from micro-nutrient deficiencies simply because the commercial food crops are grown in nutrient exhausted soil. This is why the Rainforest is so important. Our Camu Camu trees are grown on the banks of a lagoon in an Amazon flood plain. What this means is that each year during the rainy season the river banks flood and our trees are six feet under water for almost four months. As the water recedes the soil and nutrient matter that has been moved around the Rainforest is re-deposited
Camu Camu grows in the Richest Soil on Earth
This natural cycle ensures the richest nutrient soil for the Camu Camu plants. From this soil, the camu camu trees are able to pull a natural density of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the exact ratios necessary for life. This is why the Camu Camu fruit is packed with a rich, balanced profile of unique, vital nutrients not available from any other source
Harvard Research on Life Extension
One of the most important of these anti-aging micro-nutrients is resveratrol. Harvard researchers found the polyphenol resveratrol may extend life span and protect against cellular damage by increasing the activity of sirtuin enzymes which help control the rate at which organisms age. Other important co-factors include amino acids, which may play a beneficial role as anti-aging agents
Leucine - an essential amino acid
Increases production of growth hormones
Deficiencies may result in fatigue and irritability
Serine - an essential amino acid
Supports proper functioning of the brain and nervous system
May benefit memory, sociability and alertness

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Camu Camu
from $15.99
Camu Camu 4:1 (Myrciaria dubia) Orgin from Brazil
A Potent Immune System and Mood-Balancing Botanical Fruit Powder
(4:1 Extract Means 4 lb of Raw Material was used to make 1 lb of this Powder, 4 times stronger than regular Camu Camu)
Camu-Camu (Myrciaria dubia) fruit contains powerful phytochemicals with health benefits, including the amino acids serine, valine, and leucine, and more natural Vitamin C than any other known botanical in the world, the effects on the human body are incomparable. Camu camu, with it's 20% VitaminC content, is just the beginning. In addition to providing 30 times more vitamin C than an orange, Camu Camu also has ten times more iron, three times more niacin, twice as much riboflavin and 50% more phosphorus. Among Camu Camu’s naturally occurring nutrients are many important minerals including calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.
Clinical evidence suggests that natural food sources of Vitamin C are far more effective, milligram for milligram, than synthetic Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Camu Camu contains bioflavanoids, phytochemicals and other co-factors which enhance vitamins C’s efficiency and utilization by the body.
Many people have stopped using large dosages of synthetic Vitamin C because they find that Camu-Camu is energizing, mood lifting and highly effective in strengthening the immune system.
Camu Camu contains a rich profile of natural cofactors that support proper serotonin levels in the brain.
Enhance your mood and enrich your life with Camu Camu
Camu Camu fruit presents important minerals, amino acids, and vitamins, including the B-complex vitamins, which support an optimal emotional state.
Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
The camu-camu fruit has a surprising range of therapeutic effects.
Dr. James Duke found 19 plants containing chemical compounds with mood-balancing properties. Camu-Camu is ranked number two on his list.
In a comparative study where hundreds of botanicals were ranked, according to there effectiveness, for various health conditions Camu-Camu was ranked as follows:
Depression - No.2
Migraine-cluster headaches - No.1
Osteoarthritis - No.1
Painkiller - No.1
Asthma - No.1
Colds - No.1
Edema - No.1
Gingivitis-peridontal disease-No.1
Hepatitis - No.1
Parkinson's disease - No.1
Atherosclerosis - No.1
Infertility - No.1
Glaucoma - No.1
Antimutagenic - No. 4
Anti-viral -No.6
Anti-Oxidant - No.4
Cataracts - No.1
Camu Camu possible benefits:
Anti-Aging Cardiovascular Health Emotional Well-Being
Enhanced Moods Increased Emotional Stability Greater Sense of Confidence
Live Longer – Look Better
Nutrition for Health Skin, Hair and Nails
Essential for energetic body and sharp mind
Helps maintain a regular heart-beat and healthy nervous system
Research shows these minerals may relieve irritability and mood swings
Helps regulate acid-alkaline balance
Deficiencies may result in nervousness, anxiety, fatigue mood changes and difficulty concentrating Micro-nutrients may add years to your life.
Most people in the modern world are suffering from micro-nutrient deficiencies simply because the commercial food crops are grown in nutrient exhausted soil. This is why the Rainforest is so important. Our Camu Camu trees are grown on the banks of a lagoon in an Amazon flood plain. What this means is that each year during the rainy season the river banks flood and our trees are six feet under water for almost four months. As the water recedes the soil and nutrient matter that has been moved around the Rainforest is re-deposited
Camu Camu grows in the Richest Soil on Earth
This natural cycle ensures the richest nutrient soil for the Camu Camu plants. From this soil, the camu camu trees are able to pull a natural density of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the exact ratios necessary for life. This is why the Camu Camu fruit is packed with a rich, balanced profile of unique, vital nutrients not available from any other source
Harvard Research on Life Extension
One of the most important of these anti-aging micro-nutrients is resveratrol. Harvard researchers found the polyphenol resveratrol may extend life span and protect against cellular damage by increasing the activity of sirtuin enzymes which help control the rate at which organisms age. Other important co-factors include amino acids, which may play a beneficial role as anti-aging agents
Leucine - an essential amino acid
Increases production of growth hormones
Deficiencies may result in fatigue and irritability
Serine - an essential amino acid
Supports proper functioning of the brain and nervous system
May benefit memory, sociability and alertness

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Mushroom 10X Blend Formula - 60 Capsules
Mushroom 10X Blend Formula 60 Count Per Bottle Our Mushroom 10X supplement formula is 10 different types of mushroom powders and extracts for a super potent formula; Including chaga, cordyceps, reishi, and lion’s mane. Benefits Supports brain health Promotes energy levels Boosts immune health Antioxidant-rich
Mushroom 10X Blend Formula
60 Count Per Bottle
Our Mushroom 10X supplement formula is 10 different types of mushroom powders and extracts for a super potent formula;
Including chaga, cordyceps, reishi, and lion’s mane.
Supports brain health
Promotes energy levels
Boosts immune health